Unlock your hidden talent!
Welcome to Queens Ballroom Dance - a state of the art ballroom dance studio in Flushing, Queens. We offer ballroom dance lessons to adults and kids alike. We host social dancing daily so that the information that we teach in group classes could be applied immediately with a partner in a fun way. We host monthly workshops with experts and champions of ballroom and latin dancing so that our teachers and students could continue sharpening their skills. We host monthly galas and smaller gatherings for all of our patrons to celebrate their progress and socialize with friends. We create a fun and energizing atmosphere for everyone who wishes to learn to ballroom dance. Come Dance at QBD!
- Queens Ballroom Dance
Warm welcome to QBD from Yuriy, Mary, Annie and our instructors
Queens Ballroom Dance is the center of NYC for Ballroom Dancing. The 9000 sqf facility provides all of the necessary space and talent for beginners to take their first lessons, for kids to explore their new hobbies and for professionals to sharpen their skills.
The main ballroom with party lights
Weekly workshops for all students
Whether this gift will spark a new passion or support the old hobby, this is the right gift for them! We offer a great selection of adult and kids group dance classes, as well as private lessons. This gift certificate could be used towards dance lessons, workshops, social dancing, and parties that are offered at Queens Ballroom Dance. Get your gift card now!